The last day on the lake we gathered a few friends and pooled money to rent a private boat to take us around the lake. We are continually blessed with a great group of friends from all over the world where ever we go. At the lake we spent a great deal of time with Swedes, Canadians, Irish, Aussies, Americas, English and more and more.
In the morning we started making our way to El Salvador and back to the waves! We met a Polish girl at the train station who decided to come with us and then our good friend John, from Roatan, randomly walked in to the bus station. We have been with him 3 times before this and each time still had not traveled together. So he modified his plans too and decided to come with.

We got into the San Salvador around 10 and arranged a taxi to take us to the beach. A few minutes away from the bus station, Kelly, realized that he left his Debit card in the ATM. After much searching for it, Kelly called home and asked his parents to cancel the card. Bummer.

We pulled up next to the beach last night around midnight in La Libertad to find the hotel we were going to stay at closed up tight. After a little searching we found a fabulously sketchy hotel. It only had several small rooms and it wreaked of fish. We soon discovered there was no lights at all, there was no running water, there was no working toilet, no locks on the doors, and the rooms were home to many large, juicy cockroaches. BUT, the hotel was literally right on the beach and we could watch wave after wave peel off a point break directly in front of us. Perfection. We also got the hotel for a mere $2.50 per person.

This morning we promptly went to a surf shop, rented some boards, and charged out, so stoked to be back in the water. The waves were clean and consistent and so fun. Gotta love the ease of point breaks. Dodging a few rocks when big swells would come in and suck out more water, you had to cross your fingers you didn´t get smashed to pieces when you bailed from the wave.