Roatan is a beautiful island of sweet Hondurans how speak in an island english and numerous Ex-Patriots. There are tons of Americans, and Europeans living and diving here. I heard this was voted one of the best places by National Geographic to lose your identity. So we meet many ex-americans with interesting stories.

For a long time Kelly has always considered working and living on an island for a period of time. Through Harrison (the guy we are staying with) we found out a guy named Mark who owns an outdoor tours type company has been looking for some Christian guys to help mentor and work with his many local employees. The job would be taking cruise ship guest snorkeling, kayaking, and on snuba trips. http://newgumbalimba.homestead.com/SNUBA.html We would also get Open Water Dive Certified and get to dive all the time. So for the last week we have been tossing around the idea of staying here and doing this. We shall see....

Clint, one of the other owners of the park took us out diving yesterday. With the sun high over head, we ove through crystal clear turquoise waters over and around the most stunning reefs. Fish of all shapes and color swam around us as we woul cross to a new section of the reef and have our minds blown again. Truly one of the most beautiful and amazing things we have ever done.
(We hope to get up our own pics soon! We have been slacking! These are just to give you an idea where we are!)
Way COOL! The dynamic duo has found paradise!! Love Ya, Mom & Dad Lund